Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Watching Animes

I'm getting into watching Japanese anime again. I haven't been in this anime mode for a long time, so I'll be doing lots of that for a couple of nights. I usually download the video, and load it up on my PS3 so I can sit or lay down on the couch. I mostly make popcorn on nights when I don't have any assignments or studies from class. I've been thinking about getting popcorn seasoning flavors to make eating popcorn more enjoyable. Maybe I go too far to do all this just for watching anime.

There are 4 animes that I'm currently watching now. Bleach, Clannad, Tales of the Abyss, and Code Geass.


I was interested in this series when both my friend, and my pangya guildmates were talking about it. I watched a few episodes, and I just kept on going until I got caught up to Japan's releases. There are so many Characters in this series with their own traits that has a purpose in this show. I really like how they make the Shinigamis and Captains an important role in this series, rather than focusing on just the main Character only. There are some episodes that are boring or dull, while the interesting episodes gets you hooked to the point where they drop the "to be continued" part that makes you excited to find out what happens when the next episode arrives. Plus, I enjoy talking about the episodes with my friend.


Clannad is my favorite anime of all time. Most of the episodes have a meaningful touch that really strikes you if you really get into this series. Each Characters have their own storyline being played out until the arc is complete to move on the next person. You get to learn more about the Character's personality and history. There are plenty of comical moments that is done really well for both Japanese and American audiences. The art is absolutely stunning for this kind of quality. Clannad is now on the "After Story" part now so I anticipate on new episodes each week at the fullest.

Tales of the Abyss

Based from Namco's RPG game finally comes into anime format. TotA is my favorite "Tales" game so far. Character design is my favorite part about this. Most RPG characters will have maybe at least one or two that doesn't stand out to me. TotA have all the Characters that are likable to me. I'm happy to watch this series since it has been awhile that I played this game. It will run on the game's storyline, and this anime is still new in the works. Only 5 episodes so far has been created. I was worried if the anime will capture the same art direction like in the game, but they really did a great job in not making the design too different from the game.

Code Geass

I started on watching this yesterday night. I was looking for another anime to watch and then I stumbled upon this one. As soon as I finished the first episode, it reminded me so much of Death Note. And I like death note very much, so I'm going to watch through this series. I looked into this anime, and it seems that the series have finished. 25 episodes with two seasons I believe. I've only watched up to the 7th episode so far, but I do plan to do plenty of more episodes later tonight.

Japan Pangya is planning to have an event associated with this anime. It starts on the first week of November. Seeing this banner earlier is another reason why I got curious about Code Geass. So I better start watching more so I'll understand this anime before it arrives on JPN Pangya.

Here's one for teh lulz. Fu fu fu~