Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pangya's Top 5 intro

Some players will agree that Pangya is a very enjoyable game, but they can also list some flaws that could ruin your enjoyment as well. Not all games like Pangya can meet everyone's expectations, and that's practically normal. In this case, it may be best to point out the advantage and disadvantage of this game.

Therefore, I would like to start an article to the list Pangya's Top 5 Good and the Bad. Discussing good things about the game will be thrilling, and discussing the bad side of Pangya is a good way to see the disadvantage of this game so we can try our best to ignore and avoid it at all cost.

The top 5 list will be reviewed by me. I will try my best to lean towards the larger audiences perspective instead of using my own opinion alone. Tune in next week as I will write one article for one side, and the next article for the other side.