Thursday, January 15, 2009

A18 16th eCard

Typically, around once every month a new eCard rare will be released. The current eCard rare "animal suit" came out on December 11th, 2008. Albatross18 didn't update this week because they released several outfits from last week's update. So it's a safe bet that updates will be next Thursday along with a new eCard rare at long last. It has been over a month already so I'm sure A18 will get a new eCard rare. The biggest question is, what rare will it be?

When a new scratch rare comes out on Korea's Pangya server, nobody knows what it is until it comes out. On the other hand, Albatross18 eCard originally comes from Korea's scratch rares so we can anticipate future eCard releases.

I have not kept up with A18's eCard rares lately, but I am surprised that they are up to the 15th rare so far. Let's look back at the history of Korea's Scratch rare that has been released so far, and compare it to Albatross18. The ones that are in bold are the rares that has already came out on Albatross18.

1st = Umbrella Club set
2nd = Hammer Club set
3rd = Wedding Dress
4th = Golden Medievals Club Set & Crimson Ring
5th = Magical Girl Oufits
6th = Magic Sceptre Club set
7th = Animal Outfits
8th = SSAF Set #1
9th = SSAF Set #2
10th = Starcat Ring
11th = BIG Papel
12th = Elf Ears
13th = Swimsuits (S3 ver.)
14th = Pajama Set #1
15th = Pajama Set #2
16th = Cat Set
17th = Mystic Ring
18th = Fantasy Outfits Set #1
19th = Fantasy Outfits Set #2
20th = Gothic Dress
Special 20th = Gothic Dress + Wedding Outfits + Starcat Ring + BIG Papel + Elf Ears
21th = Pirate Outfits Set #1 + Lucia's Wedding Outfit
22nd = Pirate Outfits Set #2
23rd = Fairy Wings
24th = Swimsuits (S4 ver.)
25th = Olympic Outfits + Air Lance 3
26th = Gypsy Outfits
27th = Halloween Outfits + Lucia's Elf Ears
28th = Hybrid Ring + Lucia's Pajamas
29th = Snowflower Outfits

So any guesses on what the 16th eCard rare is going to be? You can vote on the poll to your right to see how close our guesses will go from there. I have listed six rares on the poll that are bound to be one of them coming out for the 16th eCard rare. As much as I want to put Fairy Wings for a possible release on the polls, I'm certain that won't be coming out anytime soon.

Poll: Guess the next 16th Rare

Starcat Ring
Effect: Hitting Pangya grants you +1 bonus added on your power gauge. Missing Pangya grants you +3 bonus added on your power gauge.

Pajama Set
Characters: Arin, Scout, Max, Hana

Wedding Dress
Characters: Cecilia, Kooh, Arin, Hana

Mystic Ring
Effect: Each turn you will receive a small bonus added to your power gauge (including initial turn). Power gauge increases even if you use a special shot or an item.

Cat Outfit
Characters: Arin, Kooh, Cecilia, Hana

Fantasy Outfit
Characters: Hana, Max, Arin, Scout