Thursday, March 26, 2009

JPN Update (3-26-09)

Japan has been updating once a week so far, and they have more surprises in store for their players. Let's take a look at today's update that they have all been waiting for since the launch of Season 4.

Update 1) Card-o-Holic

Japan has finally receive card packs to boost their game play. What? You thought they had these cards since they received Season 4? The cards are the exact copies from Pangya KR, including broken cards such as Titanboo (instant -1m wind) and Cadie (widen Pangya zone). Japan has been careful with balance issues, but it looks like there won't be any restrictions with this system. Well, except that you cannot sell or buy cards in PSquare as you can on Korea.

You may purchase card packs for 15 cookies to receive three random cards. You may also win gold, silver, or bronze card ticket from the treasures. Card ticket only contain one card inside. It's pretty much exactly like Korea.

Recently I made a theory about Korea releasing a new volume 2 card pack in the near future. Thanks to Japan, I think there is proof that there is such a thing as volume 1 and 2 card packs. The proof is this card pack picture here. See how it says volume 2 on the bottom? Well there you go. I mean they placed volume number one for a purpose that other volumes will be coming out. If not, they would have simply called it a plain card pack.

The unique thing about opening card packs in Japan is how it's presented. On Korea, when you open card packs, it shows a pop-up window showing your winnings. As for Japan, it'll display sounds and animations as if you were doing the Gachapon lottery.

Select which card pack you want to open first.

Click on the card to open it up.

Cards will pop out from the pack, and...

... see what you win!

Opening single card tickets will display one card as shown.

Update 2) Crystal Hunt

It's a mediocre event, but it's better than nothing. Play around the course and you may receive a pink crystal from the hole. Collect 5 and exchange it for a random prize, or you may win the event's prize of 5x yellow Sakura phoenix ball. It's basically just like the regular Sakura ball.